Who We Serve

Our clients are smart, driven, high-achievers who want to grow and improve their business. They are flexible, willing to accept feedback, make changes, and explore ideas that might be a bit out of their comfort zone.

We don’t work with business owners that are looking for a magic bullet solution to their business challenges. (We are fresh out of magic bullets!)

Our clients are seeking assistance helping them to level up their businesses, overcome obstacles, and generally improve the efficiency of their business operations. They are looking to earn more money and create more free time.

While we have worked with a range of business owners in a variety of industries, our expertise, temperament, and overall philosophy aligns us best with the Freedom Fighter (see below) type of owner. That being said, we are happy to have a conversation with you if you think our business planning and advisory services might be a good fit for your needs.

John Warrillow and the Three Business Owner Archtypes

At Factor Four we believe that business owners can be divided into three broad categories: Mountain Climbers, Freedom Fighters, and Craftspeople.

Mountain Climbers

These business owners are typically defined by their need to grow and challenge themselves. They are never satisfied with where they currently are and are always striving to be better. They are compelled to compete and win.

Freedom Fighters

The Freedom Fighter business owner is motivated by independence. They have a deep need to control their lived and have chosen business ownership as a means of accomplishing this.


Craftspeople are driven by the need to be known as the best in their field. They are striving to master their chosen craft.

Which type are you? The truth is, we think most business owners are a mix of all three of these types. In case you haven’t guessed, both Rich & Rebecca are strong Freedom Fighter types, with a bit of Mountain Climber and Craftspeople sprinkled in over the years.